Thursday, November 30, 2006

A question heard frequently here at Bildungblog is: "What
is the etymology of the name, 'Mort Kondracke'?" Josh
Marshall believes it is derived from "noxious, risible,
fetid thinking." That sounds about right.
President Bush says Nouri al-Maliki is the "right guy" for Iraq
and Two Foot Fred isn't.
Dismissing talk of "some kind of graceful exit out of Iraq,"
President Bush grabbed the bull firmly by the horns.
Rudy Giuliani Just Seconds Before His Ascension
into Heaven Preempted His Bid to Become the
Republican Nominee for President in 2008
Air Guitarist Performing His Musical Adaptation
of the Iraq Study Group Report
The New Face of Capitalist China, the Old Face of Communist China
When you eventually get down to this item of clothing,
politics will probably be the last thing on your mind.
The riot police took no chances when they heard Pam Spaulding's
cat was really steamed and headed their way.
"You can't lead unless you've got courage. Nouri's got courage
and he's shown courage over the last six months. Before that,
he was a yellow-bellied, lily-livered coward."

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Here we see Indian eunuchs discussing the story of Philip the
Evangelist and the conversion of the Ethiopian Eunuch. In particular,
they are debating the scholarly issue concerning what chariot model
the Ethiopian was riding in.
Sick and tired of all those expensive sinus remedies that
leave you stuffed up? Well, have you tried this?
Is there life after the Bush Administration? Karl Rove
thinks so. He's now working on an Associates Degree in
Videography from the Academy of Art University.