Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Monk Prepares to Dive Into Pool of Moksha at New
DisneyWorld Attraction, Nirvanaland
Monk Prepares to Dive Into Pool of Moksha at New
DisneyWorld Attraction, Nirvanaland
"I've had enough of his monkeyshines!" the cop
said as he locked up the animal rights activist.
"I've had enough of his monkeyshines!" the cop
said as he locked up the animal rights activist.
In the competition for the Gillette Prize, Mariah Carey,
a modern-day goddess, was no match for Venus, whose
legs alone were over six feet long.
In the competition for the Gillette Prize, Mariah Carey,
a modern-day goddess, was no match for Venus, whose
legs alone were over six feet long.
"Wait for me!" the President exclaimed when he realizedthe Rapture was almost over and he was about to beleft behind.
"Wait for me!" the President exclaimed when he realizedthe Rapture was almost over and he was about to beleft behind.
If you simply cannot stand to leave your flower garden alone,
you can always take it with you.
If you simply cannot stand to leave your flower garden alone,
you can always take it with you.
Vice President Cheney explains the tricky maneuvers
Representative Richard Pombo must use to avoid
prosecution as a corrupt politician.
Vice President Cheney explains the tricky maneuvers
Representative Richard Pombo must use to avoid
prosecution as a corrupt politician.
The White Masque of the Iraqalypse
The White Masque of the Iraqalypse
In his recurring nightmare, Karl Rove sees a woman
dressed in clocks, who sings, "It's five to twelve, Karl, and
at midnight you will turn into Hemorrhoidus Maximus."
In his recurring nightmare, Karl Rove sees a woman
dressed in clocks, who sings, "It's five to twelve, Karl, and
at midnight you will turn into Hemorrhoidus Maximus."
Nicaragua's youth don't play silly Paintball games.
Instead, they build homemade mortars and shoot to kill.
Nicaragua's youth don't play silly Paintball games.
Instead, they build homemade mortars and shoot to kill.
A Loveletter in the Sand to Wang Luobin
A Loveletter in the Sand to Wang Luobin
The demonstrators were amused by the
Dressed-for-Success Dumpster Diver.
The demonstrators were amused by the
Dressed-for-Success Dumpster Diver.
As the Peruvian man rummaged through the garbage
for a bite to eat, the sign on the wall urged him to vote.
As the Peruvian man rummaged through the garbage
for a bite to eat, the sign on the wall urged him to vote.
Bidis, 'the poor man's cigarettes', come in a variety
of flavors, including chocolate, licorice, strawberry,
and vanilla, and are quite the rage among some teens.
"It's like eating dessert and having a smoke at the
same time," said one.
Bidis, 'the poor man's cigarettes', come in a variety
of flavors, including chocolate, licorice, strawberry,
and vanilla, and are quite the rage among some teens.
"It's like eating dessert and having a smoke at the
same time," said one.
Newspaper Editor Accused of Sitting on Story
for Over Six Months
Newspaper Editor Accused of Sitting on Story
for Over Six Months
Egg Standers Hard at Work
Egg Standers Hard at Work
More than 600,000 high school students in
Chile are on strike, demanding more money
for education and a longer school day. Their
American counterparts find this hard to believe.
More than 600,000 high school students in
Chile are on strike, demanding more money
for education and a longer school day. Their
American counterparts find this hard to believe.
The good news: a small boy beats the heat.
The bad news: he lives in Iraq.
The good news: a small boy beats the heat.
The bad news: he lives in Iraq.
The bald eagle had been diagnosed with
Multiple Personality Disorder.
The bald eagle had been diagnosed with
Multiple Personality Disorder.
Saddam has become quite fond of gallows humor.
Saddam has become quite fond of gallows humor.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Say Hello to Iain Murray, Senior Fellow
at the Competitive Enterprise Institute.
He's never seen a pump jack he didn't like
or an oil industry ass he wouldn't kiss.
Say Hello to Iain Murray, Senior Fellow
at the Competitive Enterprise Institute.
He's never seen a pump jack he didn't like
or an oil industry ass he wouldn't kiss.
President Names Henry Paulson to Head
U. S. Treasury Division of Goldman-Sachs
President Names Henry Paulson to Head
U. S. Treasury Division of Goldman-Sachs
It suddenly dawned on Steve Nash that he had
forgotten to use conditioner before the game.
It suddenly dawned on Steve Nash that he had
forgotten to use conditioner before the game.
The judge could tell that the 29% left in President Bush's
glass was backwash and would never pass the smell test.
The judge could tell that the 29% left in President Bush's
glass was backwash and would never pass the smell test.
Ann Coulter's Snark
Ann Coulter's Snark
Close observers say that any time Vice President Cheney flashes his
crooked grin, it means he has just cut a fart and is getting ready to
blame it on his dog.
Close observers say that any time Vice President Cheney flashes his
crooked grin, it means he has just cut a fart and is getting ready to
blame it on his dog.