Tuesday, September 19, 2006

In a SINGLE DAY, a general in Thailand has achieved what
President Bush has been striving toward for FIVE YEARS:
suspension of the Constitution, termination of both Houses
of Congress and the Supreme Court. If this isn't proof positive
of our President's incompetence, what is?
Asked why he had parked his car in a
handicapped spot, Joe Lieberman replied,
"I have a vision impairment." Asked why
the numeral '2' appears on his license
plate, he responded, "Did you say '2'? I
always thought it was a 'J' for 'Joementum'."
"Hello, Ambassador Bolton? This is Pico the Walrus calling.
I hear your nomination is in jeopardy. That's too bad,
because you're the only member of our species at the UN
right now."
King Midas Takes a Short Break From Turning
Everything into Gold
Effigy of Pope Burned in Iraq, the Cradle of Civilization
Fans at This Year's Zorro's Black Whip Convention
"Eek! a bull!"
Puppeteer plays fly ball to deep left field perfectly.
They don't call Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, President
of Liberia, the 'Iron Lady' for nothing.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Perfect equilibrium between authority and liberty on
Planet Earth will be attained when there is one soldier,
one citizen. This soldier is looking for a citizen, and he
has his eyes on you.
This Mari tribal chieftain in Baluchistan is more
sensitive about what people say about his beard
than what they about his gun, his hat, his wardrobe,
or his religion. Suggestion: if you run into him on a
Baluchistan street, say, "Dude, if I may be so cool,
your beard rules!"
We've been told time and time again to "keep your
eye on the ball." But how are you supposed to do
that when it's sitting on top of your head?
For a few frightening seconds, Oliver Stone felt his body
being invaded by the demonic spirit of Oliver North. So he
bit his tongue really hard and that seemed to keep it at bay.
Why do we remember the Red Baron? Because he was
the pilot with at least 73 confirmed kills during WWI.
Why have we forgotten the Orange Baron? Because he
took off, crashed into the sea, and sank without a trace.
Even after they reached old age, Ann Althouse and Helen Smith
mocked younger women who didn't wear Mayan Hooter Hats.
Remember when 'Puffed Rice' was 'Shot from Guns'?
Well, it still is.
Disguised as a German officer, Karl Rove has been
using the Enigma Machine in an attempt to confound
Democrats in the fall elections. What he doesn't know
is that a Democrat, disguised as Alan Turing, has it all
figured out and is reading 'Bush's brain' like a dime novel.
British policemen never look forward to
National Shoe Fly Day.
Pope Benedict Wipes Egg Off Face Before Eating Crow
"I'm saying that nobody knows what humiliating treatment is.
What does it mean?" It means you are Stephen Hadley, National
Security Adviser, and you are playing the fool on national television.
Indonesian Muslim Nonviolently Disagreeing
with the Pope

Sunday, September 17, 2006

When DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff 'makes eyes' at one
of his subordinates, it only means, "You're so far down the
chain of command you're lucky to be a missing link."
What if, suddenly, all of the metallic weapons
on Earth were suddenly sucked into space
by a giant electromagnet? Wouldn't that
be wonderful? Yes, it would. But, the
day after that, people would still be killing
each other with all sorts of non-metallic objects,
including their bare hands. So, buy a gun, join the
NRA, and become a law-abiding pessimist.
Just ask Jonathan Woodgate and Thierry Henry what
it's like to play soccer in a gravity-free environment.
Jessica Valenti, the young woman in the center of this
group portrait, has apologized to Ann Althouse for having
a nice pair of knockers and for not being 55-years-old.
When you encounter this vehicle on the highway,
this lady will be driving the pilot car.
Tushar Khandker once owned a Hyundai and he's
been taking revenge on the company ever since.
'Tragicomic' is a useful adjective to characterize the human
condition. One day we build as if there were no tomorrow:
that's the comic part. Then tomorrow comes and we blow
it all to smithereens: that's the tragic part. Or maybe it's
the other way round.
"There's a bit more breathing room over there."
Andy Panda Before Walter Lantz Made Him a Star
Robert Mugabe, President of Zimbabwe, Falls Under
Raúl Castro's Spell at the Non-Aligned Summit
"Paul, it says here the authors will be publishing a
sequel to Good Intentions Corrupted: The Oil-for-Food
Scandal and the Threat to the U.N. The title will be
Bad Intentions Fulfilled: The Blood-for-Oil Scandal
and the Threat to the U.S."
The Vanity of Ann Althouse
World's Worst Jobs #6
Havana Laundromat Attendant
These folks were first in line for this year's
Oktoberfest in Munich, where 1.5 million
gallons of beer will be consumed over the
next three weeks. No doubt they were also
at the front of the line to use the PortaJohns.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Is Iraq in the middle of a 'civil' war?
Absolutely not. It it were, the answer
to Bob Dole's question would be 'civil'.
But right now, the answer is anything but
'civil': a roadside bomb, a rocket-propelled
grenade, or a 'shoot-and-scoot' mortar round.
Sometimes money talks, sometimes it doesn't.
Mr. Smiley Face swears he loves us,
except when he's not smiling.
Outfitted and equipped only with kitchenware from Emeril
Lagasse's secret stash, the Moonbat on the left will duel
the Wingnut on the right in this week's Iron Blogger
Lutefisking competition.
Only three Holy Huggable dolls are available right
now: Holy Moses, Jesus H. Christ, and Polly Esther
Poontang. The Jesus doll also quotes a passage
from some recently-discovered 'lost gospel', where
the Savior says: "As foretold by the prophet Isaiah,
'Mary Magdalene gives really good head'."
After the attacks of 9/11, Gary Weddle vowed not
to shave until Osama bin Laden had been brought
to justice. Well, it's over five years later and Gary's
beard is over a foot long, which is even longer than
President Bush's attention span.
"Yes, my child. The Princess kissed the toad and
the toad remained the same. But the Princess became
Ann Coulter."
Orkin Men Fumigating for Giant Cockroaches in Ahmedabad
Michael Fumento has confirmed he will be playing the starring
role in War of the Colossal Beast 2: Speedo's Revenge.
If we could see the world in strictly physical terms,
as a nexus of causes and effects, we would probably
not like to live there.
The Instapundit we knew and loved as a libertarian is
no more. In his place there now sits some fatuous
authoritarian who calls himself Glenn Reynolds.
When Parallel Universes Collide
In the distance you can see what is called
'the moral high ground'. Nobody lives up
there except God and George Bush.
President Bush's new dentures won't be ready
until next week.