Wednesday, February 28, 2007

In an attempt to divert attention from Dick Cheney,
the Vice President has ordered that he be referred
to henceforth as 'Senior Administration Official'.
"Has anyone ever told you that you have beautiful eyes?"
Alicia Bonifacio used to wear iceberg lettuce.
But it melted.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

University of Tennessee law professor Glenn Reynolds has

proposed that Iranian radical mullahs and atomic scientists

be forced to count all the occurrences of 'heh' and 'indeed'

in the Instapundit archives. He believes this will be sufficient

to persuade Iran to "reconsider their not-so-covert war

against us in Iraq."
"Gee, this must be the one bombing a day Laura Bush says
discourages everyone who sees it on television. Lucky forme, my parents only let me watch Cartoon Network."
"Hey, I found the contact lens I lost here last year!"
What does Alejandra Guzman do for a living?
Hint: it has something to do with her lips (shown here)
and her lungs (shown here), but not her legs (also shown here).
President of Iran Reads Instructions for Docking
with the Blimp of Bahrain
The New Bicameral Bra from Capitol Hill Fashions
These shoes weren't made for walking.
When he awoke, the Vice President discovered he was
the condemned man in Stephen King's new Death Row
movie, The Red Mile.
"I know that my blessing is on the way
I can't see it right now but I stand by faith
I fought many, many battles in His name
I held up the bloodstained banner and proclaim that
Jesus is the Truth and the Light
Believe it when I say He will make it alright."

Monday, February 26, 2007

Car Salesman-in-Chief Claims 40 MPG Highway
for Pickup Powered by Black-Bean Burritos
Pharmacist-in-Chief Touts Everclear As
Revolutionary Medicinal and Energy Hybrid
Recently-Discovered Letter in Library of Congress Shows
President Lincoln Just Made Up Quote about Frank Gaffney
U. S. to Trade Dick Cheney to Australia for Two Bush
Kangaroos and a Case of Foster's Lager

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Britney Shears
From Russia with Love
"Allah be praised and all that, gentlemen, but this
bowing and scraping is blowing my knees to hell."
Ever since 1951, when Klaatu and Gort invaded the planet,
the Academy Awards have caused the Earth to stand still.
Take one look at this picture and you'll know somebody
got it all wrong about sloth being a deadly sin.
And then they crucified Iraq upon a cross of black gold.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Monday evening, February 12, Fearguth became very ill.
A battery of medical tests has produced a diagnosis of
acute pancreatitis. The prognosis is good, and he hopes
to return to a regular blogging schedule very soon.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Vlad the Impaler Shortly After Attacking
His Soulmate, George the Decider
"And I’ve got to say, even if Libby's convicted — and he may
not be — but even if he is convicted, would any judge send to
prison a guy named Scooter? He wouldn’t last 48 hours. I
know, because I'm a former Harvard University Institute of
Politics fellow named Roger and I wouldn't last 24."
"I mean, there’s no underlying crime here that anyone has
been indicted for. This is just a show trial, just like in the
days of Stalin. By the way, did you know that the Russian
dictator's real name was Joseph Vissarionovich Djugashvili,
and that my real name is Roger Sumbitch Crockashit?"
All the rocket-propelled grenades manufactured in Iran are
labeled in English. This is done to deceive the U. S. military
into thinking they were made in a Northern Marianas Island
sweatshop and licensed by Tommy Hilfiger for resale under
a no-bid contract awarded to Halliburton by the
Bush Administration.
"How was I to know that Microsoft PowerPoint would
turn out to be the Pentagon's most effective weapon
in the war against truth, justice, and the American Way?"
U. S. Military Claims Iran Is Supplying Mortar Rounds
to Iraqi Militants with Expired 'Enjoy By' Dates
Military Analyst Showing How He Discovered That the
'Highest Levels' of the Iranian Government Are Responsible
for Attacks Against U.S. Troops in Iraq
Khaled and Mahmoud were awed at the sight of the oldest,
biggest, and most sacred wingnut in the world.
Christina Aguilera Doing Her Impression of Madonna Doing
Her Impression of Marilyn Monroe Doing Her Impression of
Jean Harlow
World's Worst Jobs #27
Chinese Waste Recycler
Dirty Old Man Reveals Dirty Little Secret
"Once again, we have a prosecutor who can’t get an indictment
for the real crime — leaking the identity of a CIA agent. So he
goes instead for the crime of, well, people didn’t tell him the
complete truth when they talked to him." Thus is suggested
a new definition of a 'lie': it's an 'incomplete truth'.
When you look at this closeup of Michelle Malkin's teeth, you
understand why the blogosphere isn't quite ready for hi-def.
Commenting on the Libby trial, Roger Simon says,
"I also have to say this is a nutty trial that
nobody except the people involved in it and the
people covering it care about. And, no, I'm not
the Simon who met a pieman going to the fair."

Sunday, February 11, 2007

President Bush has sworn on a copy of the Budget of the
U. S. Government for Fiscal Year 2008 that the federal
budget will be balanced by 2012, four years after he leaves
office and the year Ralph Nader, having exacerbated
the contradictions sufficiently, is tapped to be the CEO
of General Motors.
The Pope always gets pumped when the announcer says,
"Heeeeeres Benny!"
David Beckham Demonstrating How He Keeps Posh Spice Happy
What Was Left of Big Bird After President Bush
Slashed the Budget for Public Television
"And not only is he wrong about the war in Iraq, Prime Minister Howard,
but did you know Obama bin Laden isn't either white enough or
black enough to be elected President of the United States?"
"Look right here, Mr. President. This staff directory proves
I used to work for you. See, it says: A-N-D-R-E-W C-A-R-D.
That's me!"
Can you find what doesn't belong in this picture?
"So, you're Michael Gordon, the New York Times reporter who
put all the Bush Administration malarkey about Iraqi WMDs on
the front page of the newspaper of record. And now you're doing
the same thing regarding Iran. Have you no shame, sir, have you
no shame?"
Michael Gordon Named the Judith Miller Reciter of Bush
Administration Warmongering for the New York Times

Saturday, February 10, 2007

What would you do if you were an albino alligator and were trying
your best to live down the bad rap you got from a cruddy movie
released in 1996, eleven years before you were born?
Q: What would Walt Whitman have said if he had seen
the American Enterprise Institute logo?
A: "I sing the body corporate."
When you see the 'Ho' watermark in the lower right-hand
corner of the picture, you know you're viewing a genuine
image of Michelle Malkin, not a counterfeit.
"Whose turn is it to run down to AutoZone? This
baby is going to need a new alternator."