Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Washington Post reports that the government
of the United States will spend over $50 billion in 2007 for
spooks who work for the CIA, DIA, FBI, NSA, and BIR.
Happy Halloween, Everybody!
Did you know Michelle Malkin is left-handed? As such, that
automatically makes her (1) sinister, (2) gauche, (3) maladroit,
(4) awkward, (5) clumsy, (6) a member of a minority, and (7)
a victim of discrimination.
No wonder she has a persecution complex.
Are you in the market for a pre-owned Armored Personnel Carrier?
The Iraqi street price right now is at an all-time low, so if you're
interested, you'd better act pronto.
Where Modern-Day Disciples of John the Baptist
Buy Their Helmets
Tehran, home of the world's largest handmade carpet,
will host this year's Great Vacuum Cleaner Suckoff.
Police Still Failing to Keep Drag Racing Off DC Streets
Sukru Elekdag didn't know how much longer he could
keep balancing Turkey's political leadership on his head.
As a result of his party's defeat in the recent parliamentary
elections, Polish Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski will beresigning on November 5. Observers say his fall from power
has really deflated his ego.
Cassandra predicted that men would stare at
her breasts, but nobody would believe her.
Congressman John Murtha Backs Earmark
to Establish Pennsylvania Pork Barrel Museum
Although polls show no improvement in the world's view of the
U.S. since she took over, Karen Hughes did manage to get the
budget for public diplomacy doubled to over $900 million annually.
When she heard she had resigned as Undersecretary of
State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, Karen
Hughes smiled for the first time in two years.
Basebrawl, America's Pastime

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

"I'm so tired, I haven't slept a wink
I'm so tired, my mind is on the blink
I wonder should I get up and fix myself a drink
I'm so tired, George Bush is such a fink."
"Jeebus!" thought the little boy. "This guy's so lazy
even his lymphoma is indolent!"
If you are fishing for Turkish soldiers, did you
know you can run a trot line with up to 25 hooks
on a non-commercial license?
Joining Norman Podhoretz, Daniel Pipes, Thomas Joscelyn,
and Michael Rubin on Rudy Giuliani's foreign policy team
are Chag and Jix. Their advice will undoubtedly prove
invaluable as he develops new proposals for dealing with
space invaders and the Galactic War on Terror.
Guinness World Records Sets New World Record
for Number of World Records
Don't bother wondering if a butterfly can re-enter
its chrysalis. It can't even re-fold a map properly.
Dick Cheney Uncovers Sleeper Cell of Confederate
Soldiers at Clove Valley Rod and Gun Club
The Great Well of China
The workman didn't know it, but he was about
to be swatted like a fly.
"Hey, Zebe! Still interested in finding out what
it's like to be a dolphin?"
Fake, Apolitical Steven Boylan
Real, Politicized Steven Boylan
Be careful how you look at this picture of Col.
Steven A. Boylan, the Public Affairs Officer and
personal spokesman for Gen. David G. Petraeus.
If you look at it the right way, Steven is smiling and
offering you exclusive access to insider information.
If you look at it the wrong way, he is frowning and
denying it's his picture. Just ask Glenn Greenwald.
Chopper to the Sweet By and By

Monday, October 29, 2007

If God delivered Donnie McClurkin from homosexuality,
who will deliver Barack Obama from Donnie McClurkin?
World's Worst Jobs #63
Indian Gunpowder Mixer
"Ah, bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran,
Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran."
The Senate Judiciary Committee has decided to waterboard
Michael Mukasey, the nominee for Attorney-General. The
rationale for this procedure is simple: if Mr. Mukasey doesn't
scream, beg for mercy, or admit he hates puppies, the Committee
will agree waterboarding is not torture and vote unanimously
to pass his nomination to the Senate floor.
Tom Tancredo warns that unless he is elected President of the
United States, he will take revenge on America by refusing
to run for re-election to the House of Representatives.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Last Thing the Mouse Ever Saw
If you've ever played in a concert band or symphony,
you know that bassoonists are a breed apart.
Land Shark Greets Fred Thompson's
'Joke without a Punchline' Tour
You can't be a Republican presidential candidate
without having a favorite fallacy. Rudy Giuliani's,
for example, is the Argumentum ad Baculum.
Kathy Heyndel's Latest Creation, 'Unmade Bed
at the Fitz, Sunday Morning'
World's Worst Jobs #62
Palestinian Rubble Shovelers
Algerian boy says, "Circumcision hurts in any language!"

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Beware the Media Goatsucker!
FEMA Holds a Press Conference
Johnny Rotten, Aging Sex Pistol, Fires Blanks
"No, you can't go play with that low-class Kia Rio!
You're a high-class Jaguar and don't you ever forget it!"
The doctor could tell that giving the patient a
complete physical was going to be problematic.

Friday, October 26, 2007

General Pace Develops Permanent Stoop from
Wearing Humility Medals
Four Reasons We Are All Doomed
When he awoke, the Silver Surfer sensed that
something was not quite right with his legs.
Tony and Julie will tell you there's nothing quite like being
watched making love in an Airbus 380 at 30,000 feet.
"Help!" the jack-o'-lantern yelled.
"A grizzly is invading my privacy!"
Is the glass half full of Christoph Blocher, or half empty?